Big Boots to Fill - Port Jersey Announces Retirement of Maintenance Manager, Galo Panchi

April 12, 2019

Big Boots to Fill - Port Jersey Announces Retirement of Maintenance Manager, Galo Panchi


Port Jersey Logistics

It is with mixed emotions that Port Jersey Logistics announces the retirement of Galo Panchi, Maintenance Manager. After nearly 40 years of commitment to the Port Jersey family, Galo has decided to turn in the keys and retire.

"Galo has been part of the Port Jersey scene for quite some time. I searched through 100's of pictures and couldn't find many with Galo. Throughout our history, he was obviously working behind the scenes supporting our organization through its ups and downs and through all types of weather - and like bigfoot, was very rarely captured on camera. In spite of this, the indelible imprint he leaves with me, my family and this organization is great - and he will be sorely missed." - Rob Russo, President and CEO

Rather than write a history of Galo's time at Port Jersey Logistics, we thought that it would better to ask him and the people who know him best about his time here:

Galo Panchi, Maintenance Manager:

How did you start at Port Jersey? I started as a contract electrician and was hired full time soon after as Maintenance Manager.

What is the favorite part about working for Port Jersey Logistics? The fact that Bob Russo (Company Founder) was not afraid to get dirty, whether he was laying tile, or knocking walls down. It always felt like a family working here. Bob and Tony Becker (Company Founder) were always down to earth and considered me a friend, whether I was working for Port Jersey or working on side jobs, I never felt like an employee or co-worker.

What was the most interesting project(s) you worked on? Moving into our current corporate headquarters. Considering that the building is over 442,000 square feet, it was a huge project that required new racking, remolding, and additional dock-doors.

What are some every day challenges that you've experienced here?  As with any large facility, the upkeep requires constant preventative maintenance and planning. Snow plowing and shoveling has also always been a challenge. One my major achievements was bringing snowplowing services in-house which has saved the company significant money over the years.

How has the company changed since you started working here? I've really enjoyed seeing the company grow up.

How has Port Jersey helped you in your career development? The company has sent me for seminars and certifications which have greatly helped me developed my skills.

What do you want future employees to know about the company? They should be loyal and honest with themselves. It's worked out well for me, Port Jersey has always treated me well. The company has a good future and the benefits offered to all employees are unique, but you must be honest and dedicated.

Wishes for the future of Port Jersey? I wish for the company to succeed, get bigger and keep moving forward.

John Emelo, Pricing Analyst - Colleague of Galo's since 1981:

What did you enjoy most about working with Galo? His quick-witted sense of humor. He is also extremely trustworthy. I truly enjoyed our frequent talks.

What are your best memories of Galo? The fact he is so hands on. He still goes out in the winter and plows the snow at all the facilities is impressive. It's also incredible that his hair has not changed colors.

How would you describe Galo? Dedicated and a good friend.

What would you like to tell Galo before he retires? The best of all in luck and health and I'll miss him. Hope he enjoys the rest of his life and retirement.

Frank Dempster, Facility Manager – Colleague of Galo's since 1985:

What did you enjoy most about working with Galo? His integrity and honesty and how he always kept the company' best interest forefront. Galo was straight-shooter, we spoke to each other straight out (whether we agreed or not) but never made it personal. We had the same work ethic where if we committed to doing something, we did it, and we expected everyone around us to work as hard as we did.

What are your best memories of Galo? The fact that his hair has been the same color over the 34 years I worked with him and how heal ways stayed in better shape than me

How would you describe Galo? A tough guy who is very gentleat heart. He has unquestionable work ethic and is very decisive; knows what he wants and doesn't waiver.

What would you like to tell Galo before he retires? I'm going to miss our early morning calls and how we use to make fun of each other and laugh about it.

Thank you for your hard work and dedication, Galo.

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